In the shadow of an impending Civil War, proponents of forming a new Lodge in Sandusky presented a resolution to our Mother Lodge, Science #50, to create a new Lodge known as Perseverance Lodge. With the approval and concurrence of the Science Lodge members, an application prepared and signed by Brothers George S. Patterson, Andrew C. Frey, Alexander H. Black, H.A. Gaylord, Joseph Landerman, B.U. McComb, William Spittle, and Horace Brooks, was then forwarded to the Grand Lodge of Ohio for their consideration. A Charter was issued by the Grand Lodge of Ohio on October 18, 1860, designating that the number 329 be assigned to this Lodge. Thus was Perseverance Lodge #329 duly created.
The first meeting place of the new Lodge was in the Townsend Building located on Water Street, between Columbus Avenue and Wayne Street. The Lodge later moved to the Cooke Block at the corner of Columbus Avenue and East Market Street along with the other Masonic bodies.
In 1870, a resolution was passed to hold a public Installation of Officers; a ceremony which is still in place to this day. At that time, the Lodge membership was 52 and the total finances were $258.00
The first recorded Inspection of the Lodge was held on December 5, 1882 with our DDGM I.T. Williams as the Inspecting Officer, and Science Lodge #50 as our guests.
In January 1887, the articles of incorporation of the Masonic Temple Association of Sandusky were filed with the State of Ohio. $25,000 worth of stock was issued, and on June 24, 1889, the corner stone of the new Temple was laid. On June 24, 1890, the new Lodge rooms were dedicated for the use of the various Masonic bodies.
On January 27, 1943, a devastating fire destroyed the Masonic Temple, but with the great determination of all the Masons of Sandusky, the Temple was rebuilt and rededicated on September 16, 1944.
By 1960, the Lodge has grown to 756 members, and participated in various activities such as morning Memorial Day services, Grand Officer nights, and Christmas morning services. Visitations to Pelee Lodge began, and continued into the 2000's.
Today, the lodge membership is around 90 brethren, and the Lodge is engaged in many activities such as Adopt-a-Highway, awarding college scholarships, and assisting in community fundraising events. As we celebrate our first 160 years, we look forward to the future with "Perseverance."